right hand pointing



  CL Bledsoe

Juneteenth in Austin

Crowd Kills Man After Car Hits Child
-Headline from an AP article

Tired of hearing news reports of elderly
drivers slamming crowds of pedestrians,
hit and run cowardice, SUVs forcing
smaller cars into embankments,
this group returning from a celebration
of the news
of freedom, saw a car hit
a child in a parking garage, saw the driver
step out, horrified,
and lighted on him like sparrows on
a powerline, determined (this day) to act, to not
(this day) be cowards allowing,

The passenger, poor David,
a painter living with his sister, getting
a ride home from
a friend intercepted the mob, defended
the driver (how
would he get to work?) and was beaten
to death, while the child, hurt but not badly,
watched. None of them,
cowards (this day). An embarrassment
of heroes.





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