right hand pointing




The Note

Ok, so I never missed an episode of the TV series "24" until this season. Three or four episodes in, and I gave it up.  There were lots of thing that were easy to overlook about the series.  The fact that in a 24 hour period, none of the characters sleep, eat, or go to the bathroom.  Come on, Jack, stop off at Denny's or something.  Get an omelet.  The ticking nuclear bomb will wait.

And that way you talk.  Weird.  It's not supposed to be possible to shout and whisper at the same time.  But you can do it.  Stop shispering.  Stop whouting.  Whatever it is.

And, you know, what's the threat this season? We had nuclear weapons a couple of times.  Attempted assassination.  Bioterrorism.  I asked a friend of mine once what was left to have as a threat on 24 and he said "Bears."  I said "what?"  He said "Bears.  Jack saves the world from bear attacks."

Then there's the real reason I quit.  The constant apology for torture.  This anything is justified when fighting terrorists thing.  Enough.

Speaking of threats, Right Hand Pointing was down for about hours due to a trojan horse virus crawling up into the website and infecting the holy crap out of it. My heartfelt thanks to my friend Rich Lafferty for helping me secure and move the site. By "helping me," I mean that Rich took care of it and I just stood around.  If he had been in the same room with me, I'd have made him coffee or something.  Anyway, RHP files are now located in an underground lair beneath an inactive volcano.

Here's Issue 24 with a good collection of poems, art and fiction from old friends and new friends.

It's dedicated to Rich Lafferty.

My ongoing thanks to the mighty F. John Sharp for manning the fiction desk.






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